The Tower District Library Project
A grassroots campaign that advocates for establishing a Public Library branch in the Tower District.
A grassroots campaign that advocates for establishing a Public Library branch in the Tower District.
Make your voice heard and help us show local leaders that our community wants a Public Library in the Tower District!
Sign the PetitionWe need all the information we can get on the needs of our neighborhood and how a Public Library would benefit you!
Complete the SurveyHelp fund the efforts to get a library in the Tower! Donations are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor, South Tower CLT.
Make a DonationHave an idea for this project? Got some questions, want to offer some advice, or just want to get in touch? Shoot us an email!
Get in TouchEveryone knows libraries are a great place to find a good book, but did you know that you can check out all sorts of different media? All for the low, low cost of free!
Movies & TV Shows
Video Games
Libraries provide access to services and resources that are essential to thriving in the modern world. These are offered to everyone, but are especially helpful to people in underserved and low-income groups.
Computers & Internet Access
Job & Career Services
Local History & Genealogy
Art Exhibits
Libraries provide a safe and comfortable space for folks to gather and offer so much more than access to information and culture.
Warming & Cooling Center
Meeting Spaces & Quiet Rooms
Battery & Lightbulb Recycling
...And much more!
The Gillis Branch, currently near Fruit and Dakota, opened in 1940 near Olive and Palm. It moved a few doors down into a larger space in 1952, before moving to it's current location in 1975.